Our free Pet Alert tool is designed to help you find your new best friend by automatically emailing you when a pet matching your desired criteria is available. It’s that easy! You can sign up for as many searches as you’d like and cancel at any time.
Our pets are available for adoption on a first-come, first-served basis. The Pet Alert tool automatically emails you when a matched pet is available, but does not reserve that pet for you.
Fill out the form below with your contact information to sign up using an email address you check regularly
Step 2: Click “Submit”
Step 3: We’ll send you a confirmation email with an activation link to the address you provided. You must click the link to activate your account
Step 4: Following activation, you’ll automatically receive emails each time a pet matching your search becomes available for adoption

Wayside Waifs
3901 Martha Truman Road
Kansas City, MO 64137

Adoption Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Friday: 11am - 7pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm
Our Programs and Services

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You’ll receive our newsletter, “The Fire Hydrant,” special features on our Waifs of the Week, info on events, and more.