The most important benefit that of adopting my senior dog Berta is the emotional support I receive from her daily. Berta has been my truest friend in this process of healing. Two years ago my mother passed away unexpectedly, my father passed a year before, and my brother a year before that. It was a very traumatic time and I struggled to handle the tide of feelings that stemmed from it. I still do. Berta has been my truest friend and an incredible emotional support in this process of healing.

About a year ago I decided to go the shelter. I truly had no intention of adopting, but then I saw Berta. Berta caught my attention with her calm demeanor. She was a dose of serotonin from the beginning. I did not know then that she was going to be the root for most of my happiness. It’s amazing how dogs can really feel how you are feeling without words. For example, Berta always senses my anxiety attacks before they occur. She consoles me through these rough spurs of emotions. A lot of things trigger me; it could be as simple as a song or a scene from a movie. Luckily, I have Berta right next to always eager to calm my tears. Dogs are not like humans, they are much more complex. They are our greatest friends and companions. To say I needed Berta would be incorrect, because in all actuality we needed each other. Berta has gone through many rough patches as well and our identities just fit. I could not imagine my life now without her love and friendship.

The aspect I value most about Berta is the solitude and comfort she brings to our home. She sleeps next to me every night and has calmed many unsettling dreams. Walking in the door after a long day is not as bad when Berta is happily waiting for you. The motivation to wake up and go out of the house is easier with Berta in the passenger seat. I feel much less anxiety with the support I receive from Berta on a daily basis. She is a safe haven to me. There are no bad days with Berta. The idea of struggling through mental roadblocks is not even a question when I am reassured with the companionship of Berta.

If you struggle with any emotional healing my suggestion is considering adopting a furry friend. Mine has been the greatest blessing this past year.

Before taking this leap please consider:

  1. Dogs do change your lifestyle. They require a lot of attention and love. Make sure you find a dog that fits the way you live.
  2. Not all dogs are emotionally supportive.
  3. Don’t just adopt the first dog you see. Look around the shelter and meet the dog.
  4. Shelter dogs have their own stories and it may take sometime for them to open up to you.

If you have a dog that brings a lot of love and joy to your home be sure to share this blog with them too!

By: Emme Moorehouse