November is adopt a senior pet month. As an owner of a senior pet, I wanted to share a few personal tricks, discoveries, and tips for senior dogs!

  • Senior dogs already have their own sense of being and to some people that can be off putting, but don’t let this scare you.

This aspect of their personalities only makes senior dogs more interesting! Puppies can be molded, but senior dogs tend to fit the puzzle they have already created. They know what they like, such as toys, food, and sleeping spots. I believe this makes it easier to understand them.  Sometimes they might change it up a bit, but most of the time they tend to stay on the same track. For example, Berta has a problem with others dogs and that still hasn’t changed. It’s just the way she is, but those aspects of her personality manageable and make them super unique!

  • Senior dogs tend to like softer snacks, food, and toys.

Their teeth are sometimes sensitive and as owners we need to be aware of these things. For example, I mix dry and wet food for Berta, and she loves it! I tend to not give Berta bones because they degrade her teeth (which are already very rigged), but we do give her a lot of Blue Buffalo products! I also put peanut butter in her Kong chew toy and freeze it — it gives her something to do and she absolutely loves it! Senior dogs also love their sleep and down time!

  • Senior dogs also love their sleep and down time.

They also love to just hang out and be involved. Don’t get me wrong senior dogs enjoy a walk now and then, but they also crave their rest. Don’t let this be a negative – this just means they have less of a reason to get into things! They don’t have tons of energy like puppies, so their crimes of passion are rare. Berta is perfect at home by herself and she spends her time relaxing. When she wants to release some energy she makes it very clear with a few jumps and scratches at the door. Another positive is that they are less likely to pull on a leash! Take this as a reason to cuddle and give them extra affection! Down time = attention time!

  • Trips out and car rides are great for senior dogs.

Even though they are “senior” dogs they still enjoy releasing energy and going places. Berta really loves trips to Starbucks for a pup cup We also take her on light walks and my advice is to pay attention to activity levels. Do not overwork them! It is also important to pay attention to younger children in the home as rough housing can lead to injuries.

These are just a few tricks and tips that worked for me. Do you have tips to share? Post them on our Facebook page and don’t forget a furry photo!

By: Emme Moorehouse