Fourth of July Safety Tips

It’s the time of year to celebrate Independence Day! It is an annual Federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and registering as a country, the United States of America. We typically celebrate with family, friends, fireworks, and...

Memorial Weekend Tips

Next weekend is Memorial weekend, and it’s time to go soak in the sun! We thought it would be helpful to provide some tips that can make the holiday weekend enjoyable for all of your family members! 1. Have updated ID and photos of all your pets. This goes...

Preparing For the Holiday Season

It is going to happen, and we all know it; snowfall. Missouri winters are something to either look forward to or approach with extreme dread. We here at Wayside try to make the holiday season enjoyable for our waifs while they are in our care. We decorate the shelter,...

Thanksgiving Treats and Tips

It’s that time of year when we travel to our family member’s house, and have what is the most exhausting and delicious feast of the year. Thanksgiving is coming up, and we here at Wayside thought it would be nice to send out a friendly reminder of what you...

Happy Halloween

Halloween is coming up, and some of you will likely participate in the time-honored tradition. Some of you will have your furry friend participate as well, which is a wonderful idea! We thought we would provide tips and resources to make your Halloween safe AND fun...

An Interview With Candy Brown

In many aspects of shelter operation, we would not be where we are without our volunteers. Our staff members are very thankful for the active roles our volunteers take in caring for the animals in the shelter. We thought it would be nice to showcase one in particular...

Lottie: Happy Tails

Being employed with Wayside Waifs is a very rewarding experience, and volunteers have the same feeling. Sometimes you get those special cases with cats or dogs and you cannot help but root for them. Lottie is one of those cases. Pictured above is the day Lottie came...

Top Dog Classic With Drew Butera

This past Sunday was our Top Dog Classic with Drew Butera, one of the best back-up/starting catchers in Major League Baseball. Drew has always had a passion for animals, so he wanted to partner with Top Golf and Wayside Waifs to create a fun charity opportunity. What...

Back-To-School Tips

When August comes around, we start thinking about school. Either the back-to-school sale, school supplies list, making sure everything’s ready, or just dreading the upcoming semester. What we might not always think about is how our furry friends in the home...