Managing Your Kitten’s Rough Play
The first step with any behavioral issue is to take your cat to the veterinarian for a full evaluation. Cats are very stoic animals and will hide illness and injury. Sometimes our only clue that something is physically wrong is a behavioral symptom. Many behavioral...
Understanding Your Kitten’s Behavior
The first step with any behavioral issue is to take your cat to the veterinarian for a full evaluation. Cats are very stoic animals and will hide illness and injury. Sometimes our only clue that something is physically wrong is a behavioral symptom. Many behavioral...
Cats and Interactive Play
The first step with any behavioral issue is to take your cat to the veterinarian for a full evaluation. Cats are very stoic animals and will hide illness and injury. Sometimes our only clue that something is physically wrong is a behavioral symptom. Many behavioral...
Bringing a New Dog Home
Bringing Your New Dog Home - The First Few Weeks Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a new dog or puppy! This can be an exciting time but also a stressful time. Everyone is going to need a little time to adjust to new routines and new relationships. Here...
Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips
You Found a Kitten – Now What?
Canine Body Language – 101
Have you ever wondered what your dog is trying to communicate with you? Dogs “speak” mostly with their bodies, often relaying very little with their vocal cords. We can learn a lot about our companions by understanding their body language, which in turn allows us to...
Cat Enrichment – Let’s Play!
Holiday Prep – Helping Your Dog With Fear of Strangers and New Family Members
It is not uncommon for dogs to be fearful of strangers or new family members. With shelter dogs, many timeswe don’t know what their past experiences have been. If you have just adopted or acquired your dog, givingthem time to decompress, adjust, and bond before...
Holiday Safety Tips
Keep your furry friends safe during the holidays! Tip #1: Keep all food in a safe place Make sure all of the food is in a place where your pets […]
ADOPTION HOURS: Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 11am-7pm
Saturday – Sunday: 10am-5pm
3901 Martha Truman Road, Kansas City, MO 64137