Volunteer Highlight: Playgroups

A few months back, we featured volunteers doing numerous things around our campus, and we featured Candy Brown who is a volunteer adoptions counselor. We figured we’d highlight another wonderful aspect of volunteering with our canine friends; playgroups!...

Department Highlight: Vet Clinic

We like to highlight departments in our shelter, as there are so many people that are working “behind the scenes” to make Wayside Waifs what it is today. Previously, we showcased our Admissions Department, and this time, we would like to showcase our Vet Clinic. They...

Department Highlight: Admissions

Happy Holidays everyone! We like to highlight departments in our shelter, as there are so many people that are working “behind the scenes” to make Wayside Waifs what it is today. Previously, we showcased our Canine Care Technicians, and this time, we would like to...

Canine Care: Department Highlight

Happy Holidays everyone! We like to highlight departments in our shelter, as there are so many people that are working “behind the scenes” to make Wayside Waifs what it is today. Previously, we showcased our Pet Memorial Services, and this month, we would like to...

Preparing For the Holiday Season

It is going to happen, and we all know it; snowfall. Missouri winters are something to either look forward to or approach with extreme dread. We here at Wayside try to make the holiday season enjoyable for our waifs while they are in our care. We decorate the shelter,...

The Importance of Play in Cats

Contrary to the adorable picture above, playtime is not just for kittens! Adult cats enjoy and benefit from playtime as well. Even senior cats like to get in on the fun! This blog post is meant to educate our readers on the importance of play in cats, and how it can...

Thanksgiving Treats and Tips

It’s that time of year when we travel to our family member’s house, and have what is the most exhausting and delicious feast of the year. Thanksgiving is coming up, and we here at Wayside thought it would be nice to send out a friendly reminder of what you...

Happy Halloween

Halloween is coming up, and some of you will likely participate in the time-honored tradition. Some of you will have your furry friend participate as well, which is a wonderful idea! We thought we would provide tips and resources to make your Halloween safe AND fun...

Pet Memorial Services: Department Highlight

We like to highlight departments in our shelter, as there are so many people that are working “behind the scenes” to make Wayside Waifs what it is today. Previously, we showcased our Feline Care Department, and this month, we would like to showcase our Pet...

Pet Memorial Day

September 10th marks National Pet Memorial Day, a day in which people honor their pets, both past and present. It is a national holiday, and people gather or contemplate how their animal or animals have changed their lives, and share their stories. In honor of the...