Department Highlight: Vet Clinic
We like to highlight departments in our shelter, as there are so many people that are working “behind the scenes” to make Wayside Waifs what it is today. Previously, we showcased our Admissions Department, and this time, we would like to showcase our Vet Clinic. They are certainly the backbone of our organization, as they oversee the care of each individual animal. We wouldn’t have the reputation we have if it wasn’t for them! *Warning: You may see some pictures of animals in surgery, but we promise nothing is being shown other than the animal. Just a warning before anyone scrolls down and is faint-hearted.*
Waif Wednesday
Please welcome the Waifs of the Week: Andy, Yuko, and Sam.
Fun Winter Activities
Anyone else excited about the above freezing temperatures? We all know winters in Missouri and Kansas can be brutal if they want to be, but what do we do about our furry friends? They still need regular exercise and mental stimulation, even with frigid temperatures. We thought we would provide some nice ideas for you and your pets to stay healthy in the winter!
Waif Wednesday
Please welcome our Waifs of the Week: Leonora, Jenny, and Matilda!
Dogs and Cats: Fact or Fiction
We here at Wayside Waifs see many animals come through our doors everyday. After a while, you see certain animal stereotypes begin to fade, and we see who they really are. There can be small dogs who are ready to run, or cats that don’t land on their feet. We figured we would take the time to debunk a few of those rumors going around.
Waif Wednesday
Please welcome our Waifs of the Week: Rango, Milo, and Jerry!
Andrea and Mac: Long-Term Residents
It’s that time again for a monthly segment of our long-term residents. A long-term resident is someone who has been here at least thirty days or longer, and we try to narrow it down to some who have been here even longer. Last month we featured Vega and Goldie, and we have some good news. Both Vega and Goldie have found their forever home! We are so happy for them! Now it is time to introduce our January long-termers: Cassie and Mac!
Waif Wednesday
Please welcome our Waifs of the Week: Mac, Marvin, and Truman!
Waif Wednesday
Please welcome our Waifs of the Week: Dixie, Andrea, and Hamilton!
Department Highlight: Admissions
Happy Holidays everyone! We like to highlight departments in our shelter, as there are so many people that are working “behind the scenes” to make Wayside Waifs what it is today. Previously, we showcased our Canine Care Technicians, and this month, we would like to showcase our Admissions Department. They do such a wonderful job in overseeing the care of our animals when they first come in, and work directly with the public, local animal controls, and shelters to get as many animals in a safe environment, and well on their way to a forever home.
ADOPTION HOURS: Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 11am-7pm
Saturday – Sunday: 10am-5pm
3901 Martha Truman Road, Kansas City, MO 64137